Google Adsense or Load of Nonsense?
After doing a bit of cleaning up on the 'button link' section (down the (right hand side of the main site) & (left hand side of the blog section), I set off tonight with great expectations of myself to get a lot of work done tidying up all aspects of the site by getting rid of the Google adsense links on the Live Photos I've taken , 'cos as usual something that looked a good idea in the first place became the proverbial 'Albatross' around the neck of the site...
I don't think anybody running a personal website could generate anything near the amount of traffic via a Google adsense link to even buy a cup of tea from their earnings, so it's been replaced...
I would love to know what sense they used to design the program to pick out random keywords from your html that will associate back to something to do with anything Microsoft related or ebay related ... I'm sure that they use Ask Jeeves as a search engine...
  Anyway, I think the new ads I've put on are more relevant than anything that google tried to pick up on as a keyword so, as the saying goes "F**k Them Feed Them Rice",so hopefully these might be of use to somebody so, as I said earlier ther's nowt much happnin to write home about at minute so I took a photo of what I made for my dinner tonight...
Alas, Steve had no rice to F**k them with or Feed them with..., So he had to make do with Spaghetti....(It could be used for makeshift rope?)